The Billionaire's Mistaken Match ( A BWWM Romance) Read online

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  Paloma took the cash from Kit. She was having a hard time keeping the tears from her eyes. “Thank you,” she said quietly. Kit patted her friend on the shoulder, then gave her a hug. “Really, you don’t need to, but I appreciate it. Thank you.” Paloma sniffled a little into Kit’s shoulder.

  “Now don’t you cry. Don’t do it. If you cry, I will cry, and then we will both be a blubbering mess here in the kitchen. None of that. You put that in your wallet and keep it with you.” Paloma nodded. “Now, I know the date isn’t until tomorrow, but I have to work late so you will probably be gone before I get home. So, just in case, I want to say this. If you need anything, and I mean anything, call me. Call me before you are headed home; call me if you aren’t headed home. Just call me, okay?”

  There was another nod from Paloma. “I will do that, definitely. Thank you, Kit.”

  “Great, now that that’s settled, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  Paloma laughed. Kit had the appetite of a body builder. The girl ate constantly but still managed to hang onto her thin, slightly curvy figure.

  “I made fajitas,” Paloma said, pointing to the pans simmering on the stove.

  “God bless you, woman!”

  Chapter 9

  Date night. Paloma fidgeted in front of the mirror. She had done her makeup, put on her clothes, and was now just trying to get her mass of curly hair to stay pinned back. She had decided against the braids tonight, going for a classier look. It worked well, if her hair would cooperate! She glanced at the clock again.

  Vivi had told her not to be early, but she was having a hard time with that. Part of her wanted to go and get it over with, while part of her wanted to go because the excitement was too much. She glanced at the picture of Reid that leaned against her mirror. She needed to be a charmer tonight, but she also needed to be herself. She’d stretched the truth too far on the profile and now it was time to just be her. Finally she managed to pin back the errant curl. It was time.

  The restaurant was nice, but not overly fancy. That put her at ease. Here she didn’t have to worry about proper forks or any other kind of Pretty Woman faux pas. It was busy, but not crowded. Paloma ran her hands down her dark blue dress, easing out any wrinkles or bunching. She drew her shoulders back, put her head up, and strode into the bright eatery. Inside, all the lights were lit, giving everything a soft golden glow. It smelled amazing in here, a mixture of seared meat and sauces. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the aromas, picking out some of her favorite flavors and spices. Even if the date didn’t work out, she knew the food would be magnificent. She could always tell by the smells.

  “Good evening, madam,” said the man at the podium, causing her to start. “I didn’t mean to startle you. How can I help you this evening.”

  “I’m having dinner with a Mr. Winslow. I’m not sure if he is here yet. My name is…”

  “Miss June. Yes, he has already arrived and taken the liberty to order wine. Please follow me, I’ll direct you.”

  “Thank you,” she said, a smile creeping across her face. She followed the much shorter man through the main room of the restaurant, past the kitchens and into a quieter corner. There, seated, was the man whose picture she carried. She caught his profile and just looked. He was even better-looking in person than he was in the photo. “I’ll take it from here, sir. I see him.”

  “Very well,” said the host, leaving her standing just out of earshot, looking at her date. Nerves welled up in her stomach, making her just a little uncomfortable. Giving herself a mini pep talk, she started forward. The movement must have caught his eye, because Reid Winslow turned around and focused his intense green eyes right on her.

  “Oh, uh, hi. I’m Paloma,” she said as she reached the table.

  Reid stood immediately. “Reid Winslow. Very nice to meet you.” Paloma was pleased to see that he was the same height as her, even in her low heels. “Please, have a seat. I went ahead and ordered wine. I realize I don’t know what you are eating so I just chose a wine that would go with everything. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. Thank you,” she replied, sitting.

  Reid couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was not what he had expected in any way, but she was beautiful, he would give her that. On top of that, she seemed nervous, which almost made him laugh. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen a woman nervous on a date. Usually they knew what they wanted and came at him full force. She looked up at him and smiled, magnifying her beauty. Her dark eyes sparkled and her teeth shone brightly against her dark lips.

  “Are you going to join me?”

  Reid realized he was still standing and staring. He shook his head to clear it and sat, rather clumsily. “Yeah, yes. I’m…” He stopped, willing himself to cool it. “I just wasn’t expecting someone like you. I am…pleasantly surprised.”

  “You? Really? To be honest, I feel a bit underdressed. It looked fine from out there, but in here it’s really quite opulent. It wasn’t what I was expecting at all.”

  Reid, dressed in another charcoal suit and deep blue shirt, blushed a little. “I didn’t pick the place.” He looked around. “In fact, I’ve never been here. I do like it though; it’s charming.” He was still a bit nervous about meeting a new person, another woman, but Paloma seemed to be easy going so far. “So, I guess we should get to know each other. Do you have any questions for me?”

  She glanced at him over the menu. “You mean like, ‘what do you do,’ and things like that. No. I don’t.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. I think it’s unimportant to getting to know each other. I’m more of a feeler. Wow, that sounds weird. The thing is I don’t want the cold hard facts all the time, I like to feel a person out, get to know them, not a bunch of things about them. Does that make sense? I’m already being weird.”

  “I think it makes perfect sense. In fact, I totally agree. So, no straight facts. We learn about each other through natural conversation.” Paloma smiled at him. “Now, of course, I find myself at a loss for natural conversation.” Paloma laughed loudly, a sound of sheer joy. The fact that she was not at all embarrassed or fake about her outburst set him off as well and they were soon laughing together until tears filled their eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she said between breaths. “That’s not that funny. I know what you mean though. So, let’s see. How about we start with the menu? I could talk about food all day. It is one of my favorite things.”

  “Really?” She nodded. “You are going to have to elaborate.”

  Taking a sip of her wine, she leaned forward and pointed at the menu. “This is magic. Food is like a potion. It has to be done right in order for it to have its full effect. Food can change moods, can trigger memories, can cause pain, even death if you aren’t careful with it. Its fuel, but it’s also enjoyable. Without it, we can’t live, so it’s important.

  Food also brings people together. I remember sitting in my grandmother’s kitchen watching her make fried chicken and mashed potatoes. I would count the people who came through, just following their noses. The smells were heavenly enough to draw anyone. So, I look at this menu and I don’t decide on salmon because it’s the lowest calorie, healthiest choice.

  I decide on this shrimp pasta with the cheesy sauce and spices because I know, I understand, that it is made with the most complex ingredients brought together in the perfect combination at the perfect time, resulting in a dish that not only smells and tastes awesome, but is very prettily put together as well.”

  “You really do love food.” While she was talking, all the nerves and anxiety left Reid. Her voice was velvet smooth and if she had as much conviction about other facets of life as she did about food, she was definitely someone he could see keeping tabs on. “I, on the other hand, will be having the salmon, because it’s the healthiest.”

  Paloma covered her mouth with her hand in horror. “I didn’t mean to imply…”

  “No, its fine,” he said, re
aching across the table and moving her hand gently from her lips. “I like salmon. I like what you said about the food though. Does that passion translate into other areas of your life?”

  “All of them. I’m a very all in type of person I guess. You might describe me as impulsive but I do put all of myself into all facets of my life.” Neither of them had realized that Reid was still holding onto her hand while they were talking. They only came out of their trance when the waiter stopped by the table. Reid cleared his throat and leaned back, releasing his hold on her.

  “I’ll go ahead and order for you, if that’s okay. Since I know what you want. Do you mind?”

  Paloma shook her head. She watched Reid place the order, keeping eye contact with the waiter the entire time and speaking to the man like a human being and not a servant.

  “You are so polite to him. I love that. I have been a server in the past and you would not believe how rare it is to get treated with respect in the service industry.”

  “A server?”

  Paloma wanted to kick herself. Had she really just said that?

  “Yea. I told you, I like to experience life. It was short lived, sadly. The boss was a total asshole. Pardon my language.”

  Reid laughed at her curse and leaned back in his chair. “You aren’t a server anymore?”


  He nodded and leaned forward again, taking her hand. She could feel calluses built up on his fingertips and palm.

  “You seem to be a hard worker yourself,” she said, running her fingers along his palm. He pulled his hand back and held them up for her to see them.

  “I do all my work in an office. However, I do like to go rock climbing when I get a chance. It’s hell on the hands.”

  “I think it’s wonderful. What an interesting activity. I bet it makes for really strong hands.”

  “I’ll take you sometime if you’d like. If you put your all into it, I think you will do very well. And yes, it does do a number on the hands.”

  “I would like that very much.”

  Shortly after this, the food arrived and they talked and ate and talked some more. There was no tension between them. The wine bottle emptied soon and Reid ordered another, and then a third. Not wanting to end the night, they both ordered dessert. He was completely fascinated with her.

  She was beautiful, intelligent, funny, and so calming to be around. He made a mental note to send a thank you to Vivi, because Paloma was the first real person he had met in a long time. She was also able to let go of the fears she had about lying on the submission. They were getting along so well and having a great time. For her, it was wonderful to get out of the house and just let go for a little bit.

  “Do you want to go for a walk?” Reid asked her. “I still need to clear my head and sober up a bit if I’m going to drive, and it’s such a nice night.”

  Paloma nodded. She watched Reid pay the tab and offered to leave the tip.

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “I’d like to. Please let me tip him.” She pulled her wallet out of her little handbag and took forty dollars out of it. “This should do it.” She set the money on the bill collection tray and gave it back to Reid. He smiled at her generosity.

  “Well, if you are ready, after you,” he said, standing and helping her from her seat. “I’m right behind you.” He watched her walk towards the door, pulled out his walled, and placed a one hundred dollar bill down next to her forty. A good date for him meant a good tip for the waiter. No one should be left out of this perfect evening.

  Chapter 10

  The night was cool and brisk, but not cold enough to be unpleasant. As they walked through the streets, Reid reached out and took Paloma’s hand. Things were easier with her than he had expected and he was enjoying himself immensely.

  The streets were practically empty and the neon signs around the city lit up the whole area. It was the city that never slept after all. Reid talked about things he had never talked about with his other dates. He told Paloma about his love of the city and which buildings were his favorite, where the best hole in the wall food places were. He shared his dreams to make the city better than it had been, to help out, to build up. He realized he was rambling and apologized.

  “I don’t mind. I have pretty big dreams too.”

  “Tell me about them?”

  Paloma hesitated just for an instant. “Remember my love of food?”

  Reid couldn’t hide his smile. He nodded, looking at her profile while they walked.

  “Well, I want to own a restaurant. It was my grandmother’s dream, my mother’s goal, and now it has made its way to me.” She paused for a minute. “I don’t mean that I feel like it’s an obligation. I genuinely want to make it happen. I want to bring good food to the masses, to spend my day in the kitchen, working, cooking, mixing…”

  “Making magic?”

  “Exactly!” She smiled at him, glad he could understand. “It’s just so much, you know. I mean, I have it all planned out, but I think I’m just afraid to put it into action. It’s probably the one thing I’m not ridiculously impulsive about.”

  “Does that mean you won’t be ridiculously impulsive about me?” Paloma stopped walking and looked at him. His green eyes reflected the bright neon signs. “I mean. I don’t know what I mean. I’m an idiot.”

  “I have a feeling you are a lot of things, Reid, but an idiot is not one of them.” She smiled at him ducking his head so she couldn’t see his blush. “I’m really having the best time tonight. Are you?” she asked, changing the subject quickly.

  “Absolutely. I have to tell you, this is one of the best dates I’ve ever been on. Can we do it again sometime?” When he looked at her now he looked like an eager little boy at a toy store. This man, this successful, lovely man wanted to spend more time with her? She was thrilled at the idea, but also afraid of letting too much of her out in the open. When she didn’t answer right away, his face fell, breaking her heart.

  “Of course we can, yes. I would love to.” She decided then and there that she would do anything to keep that boyish smile on his face. When he looked at her, he didn’t have those sad eyes anymore. She made it her personal mission to keep them at bay.

  “Wonderful,” he said. “Next time I could take you to some of the places I told you about. I would love to get your opinion on some of the buildings I have going up.”

  Paloma agreed that it sounded like a good time and was flattered that he wanted her opinion. When they came to the subway entrance, they stopped at the top of the stairs, still holding hands. It was like he didn’t want to let go of her.

  “Soon, then. It has to be soon. The second date, I mean.”

  She smiled and nodded, looking toward the subway entrance. She was not really looking forward to the long train ride home and she didn’t want the night to end, but they had agreed to end it casually and have another date. She liked that idea.

  Before she could let go and take the stairs to the platform, Reid leaned in, putting his forehead on hers. She closed her eyes and felt the breath between them mingle. Her breath hitched slightly as he tilted his head and placed his lips softly on hers. They were like silk, his lips, so different from his hands, which now wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. Her lips parted, allowing his tongue to explore her lovely mouth, both of them dancing in the air between them.

  “I think, maybe,” he said once they pulled apart, “maybe we could stand to be just a little impulsive.”

  Paloma laughed and leaned in to kiss him again, holding him tight and tangling her fingers in his hair. “I think maybe you are right.”

  Reid grabbed her hand and turned down another street. There stood a magnificent hotel. “This will do,” he said, looking up at it. Paloma smiled at the opulence of the place. “I’ll get us a room. If this suits you.” The eager puppy dog face was back.

  “This suits me just fine,” she said, seating herself on a finely appointed sofa to wait for him to c
heck them in.

  In the elevator, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Paloma didn’t even notice that the doors opened directly into the room, a penthouse. Reid tossed his jacket to the ground and kicked off his shoes.

  Paloma pushed him back just far enough to start working on the buttons of his shirt. Watching her do that made him calm down a bit and realize that this wasn’t one of those things you wanted to rush. He let her finish unbuttoning his shirt before throwing it to the side. Paloma ran her hands over his muscular chest and abdomen, sending wave after wave of sensation through his body.

  She turned from him, moving her hair out of the way and exposing the zipper of her dress. Reid unzipped it slowly, watching dark skin appear where clothing had been. He wanted his lips all over that skin. Leaning in, he kissed her shoulder and the base of her neck, all while letting her dress fall to the floor in a shimmery blue puddle. She hadn’t worn a bra and her whole back was now exposed to him.

  He turned her slowly, admiring the length of her; legs that stretched for days, her most sacred parts hiding behind thin, black, lacy panties. Her breasts were full and heavy, her nipples erect already. Reid wrapped his arms around her, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom.

  They lay across the bed, kissing and touching, exploring each other’s flesh. The sensations made her arch her back and beg for more from him. She wanted him now, all of him. Reaching over, she slowly unzipped his pants and pulled him free. Like the rest of him, this part was something to behold.

  Paloma stroked him, feeling the smooth skin slide in and out of her palm. It had been a long time since he had been with a woman and his excitement was evident. He moved away from her only long enough to remove his pants and boxers. Hooking two fingers into her panties, he drew them down, exposing the sweet dark flesh of her most private parts.